Use these calculations and our pre-built calculator to quickly plan a pond.
Calculate liner size
Measure the maximum length and the maximum width of the pond. Add the maximum depth x 2 to each dimension then add another two feet of liner to each dimension for your anchor trench.
Calculate approximately how many gallons of water are in a pond:
Average length x Average width x Average depth x 7.48 = Total gallons.
Calculate approximately how many gallons of water are in the stream
Maximum length x Average width x 0.25 x 7.48 = Total gallons. (This would be water in transition. Water that has to be supplied by the lower pond is water in transition. Upper ponds, streams or multiple streams all contribute to this total number.)
Calculate approximately how many gallons of water are required to overflow an upper pond
Maximum length x Maximum width x 0.8 x 0.25 x 7.48 = Total gallons required to overflow upper pond. (This would be water in transition.)
Calculate how many gallons of water are available to put in transition, before the water level in the lower pond, is drawn down below the skimmer opening
Maximum length x Maximum width x 0.8 (unless your pond is completely square) x 0.33 x 7.48 = Total gallons available at the skimmer faceplate. (It is recommended that no more than half of the volume of water available at the faceplate is put in transition. If power is interrupted the lower pond will have to receive all the water in transition, or the pond will overflow)
Stream Depth Fractions
.50 = 6" .41 = 5" .33 = 4" .25 = 3" .16 = 2"
Surface Area Formula
(Length x Width) / 43,650 = Acres